Wednesday, October 31, 2007

what do you want for halloween?

It’s Halloween and children will be marching the streets dressed like a bunch of fools pleading for candy. I never give the little fuckers any. I am yet to see one brilliant trick. It is safe to say that of all the useless inventions God made children are the George W. Bush of the presidents list.

Why do some people waste so much time being fascinated by the little terrors? I can only assume it is because it gives weaker people a chance to seem more powerful. Kids are dependent that must be the appeal.

I will never understand why people think it is hilarious when a child at a restaurant runs around like an idiot? Nor when said child runs head first into a table and begins to cry, why people stare at me like a freak when I break out into hysterics? Sure it’s funny when some black guy does it on TV, but heaven forbid you laugh at a child.

Children should be forbidden from socializing in society until they are able to pass a test that declares them fit to become part of it. Think how many freaks we wouldn’t have to deal with if this was in place? It sounds like a winner to me.

Anyway what I really want for Halloween are women to stop dressing up as angels, devils or nurses and put on some of these sexy superhero outfits. It just makes more sense.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I'll take 2 of the middle one, and one of the one on the right please. :D
    Anonymous said...
    hey you!

    where you been?? hope things are going good...

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