Thursday, November 22, 2007
I wish I had a better excuse for not blogging for so long, but I don't. I wasn't off somewhere across the globe saving the world from terrorists or lead toys. I wasn't out and about fornicating with ridiculously beautiful women who don't wear underwear because they find it more sensual. I wasn't falling in love with the chubby coffee girl with the amazing personality at Starbucks.
I was at home (when I wasn't at work) jacking off to Internet porn or watching scheduled programming on TV. I didn't even have the energy to rent a DVD. My list of films to see and books to read is exactly the same - I've crossed nothing off.
It was snowing today. There is nothing quite like snow to make you realize that you are wasting your life. Hopefully I am fully motivated now to keep this thing up to date - because I sure as hell don't have anything better to do.